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Regular price €15,00 EUR
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The procedure is done with a special device in the form of a pen or roller. With this technique, minimal injury is caused to the skin with the microneedles (the application depth of 0.25mm-0.5mm-1-2mm is determined by the depth and type of scars) and the return to daily activities is immediate. The treatment is completed by the immediate application of a chemical peel. Microneedles in addition to scar destruction offer an entrance to introduce the peel deeper into the skin at the exact point where we wish to destroy the scar and begin skin regeneration. In this case, we choose azelaic acid peels in combination with salicylic acid, which become more effective in the fraxpeel application because they become more penetrating. But we can also use AHA glycolic acid peels or in cases where we are looking for the whitening of discolorations (spots) that may have been left after acne, we can add mandelic and citric acid peels. In the case of deep acne scars, we also use TCA peeling, which causes exfoliation of the skin and smoothing of the appearance of the acne scars, but requires longer recovery-regeneration times of the skin and is avoided during the summer months with sunshine.
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